As health concerns continue to disrupt the academic calendar for many of our customers, now more than ever, alternate course delivery methods that enable learning outside the classroom are absolutely vital to the educational community.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing NETLAB+ as your IT training solution and briefly summarize some of the ways NETLAB+ can help you continue to deliver quality training to your learners – outside of the traditional classroom environment.
For detailed instructions on using NETLAB+, please review the NETLAB+ VE documentation. Want to learn more about the content available on your NETLAB+ system? Please visit our interactive content list that will help you quickly identify more ways your NETLAB+ system can help you serve your learners.
Upcoming Webinars: We anticipate that you may need to assist your peers in using NETLAB+ to enable online learning. To help you serve your community, we will be announcing a series of webinars focused on assisting NETLAB+ administrators with the setup of custom pods. We will present examples of custom pods and have a question and answer session. Details on the webinars will be sent out this week.