Palo Alto Networks PAN10 EDU-210 Labs Now Available for NETLAB+

Thank you for choosing NETLAB+ to support your educational programs. NDG is pleased to announce the following lab library has been added to our supported curriculum content options for NETLAB+ VE.  Palo Alto Networks Firewall Essentials v10.0 (EDU-210)  These labs will enhance the student’s understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks’ next-generation […]

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Updates to NETLAB+ Content

We’d like to make you aware of several updates to our supported content offerings. The release notes pages linked below include instructions on updating the content on your NETLAB+ system (via the Course Manager in the NETLAB+ administrator interface). Cisco Networking Academy Release Notes – Updates for the following lab series: Cisco CCNA1 Introduction to Networks v6 […]

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Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Academy Labs Now Available for NETLAB+

Thank you for choosing NDG to assist you in supporting your educational programs. We are pleased to announce the following Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Academy labs are now available for NETLAB+ VE. Cybersecurity Foundation v1 The Cybersecurity Foundation labs will introduce learners to the fundamentals of cybersecurity and the concepts required to recognize and potentially mitigate […]

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